Trade Mark Application Process
The validity of Singapore trade mark
The effective period of the registered trade mark is 10 years from the date of application. If the registered trade mark needs to be used after the expiry date, the right holder should apply for trade mark renewal 6 months before the expiry date. Each renewal is valid for 10 years.
The main stages of Singapore registration and the time required | ||
1 | Submit trade mark registration | 1-3 working days |
2 | Accept trade mark applications | About 1 month |
3 | Trade Mark review | 2-3 months |
4 | Trade Mark notice | 2 months |
5 | Receive a trade mark certificate | About 1 month |
Singapore Trade Mark Registration System
1 Application conditions
Natural or legal persons may apply for trade mark registration in Singapore. Natural persons must attach a copy of their passports or ID cards in their applications, and legal persons must attach a copy of their business license. There are no restrictions in terms of nationality.
2 Constituent elements of the trade mark
A trade mark can be comprised of words, letters, numbers, graphics or pictures, badges, colours or colour combinations, the shape of the container or external packaging of the product (not just to obtain a certain function), and combinations of the above elements. Singapore also accepts non-visual trade marks such as sound, taste and smell trade marks.
3 Trade Mark categories and types
Singapore categorizes trade mark registrations under the International Nice Agreement, which includes 34 categories of goods and 11 categories of services.
Applicants can apply for trade marks for one type of good, or several types, according to the company’s scope of business and the trade mark/service category they want to protect.
4 Use priority
Singapore is a country that uses the priority system and recognizes the right holder based on the original certificate of the trade mark.
5 Duration of trade mark registration
The effective period of the registered trade mark is 10 years from the date of application. If the registered trade mark needs to be used after the expiry date, the right holder should apply for renewal registration within 6 months before the expiry date.
Required materials for Singapore trade mark registration
1. Applicant’s name and address
2. If the trade mark to be registered is in colour, please provide 6 copies of the design; if the trade mark to be registered is a black and white design, only one copy is required.
3. Provide a list of products or services to be registered trade marks and registration categories
4. Priority documents, if there are priority claims
5. Application for trade mark registration
6. Power of attorney for trade mark registration agency
Singapore Trade Mark Registration Procedure
➀ The applicant (or its agent) submits the application form to the trade mark registration and pays the designated fee.
➁After receiving the application form, the Trade Mark Registry will review the application to ensure that the application complies with the relevant provisions of the Trade Mark Regulations. If after review it is confirmed that the application does not comply with the provisions of the Trade Mark Regulations, the Trade Mark Registry will issue a report stating the reason why the trade mark cannot be registered.
➂If, after reviewing the trade mark registration, it is deemed that there is no problem with the application, a notice of the trade mark registration will be published in the government gazette.
➃ Anyone can file an application for opposition to the trade mark registration within two months after the announcement. If no application for opposition to the trade mark is received, the Trade Mark Registry will formally register the trade mark.
➄Finally, the Trade Mark Registry will issue a registration certificate to the applicant.
After successfully registering a trade mark in Singapore, you can immediately apply for trade mark registration in multiple countries at the same time using the Madrid Agreement, which facilitates the registration of trade marks in multiple jurisdictions with a single application.
- This eliminates the need to apply for trade mark registration in different countries. Through the Madrid Agreement, it is possible to apply for registration in multiple countries, and accept them simultaneously.
- There is no need to wait for replies from various applicant countries. If there is no objection within the prescribed time, the trade mark will take effect.
- If the owner intends to change or transfer the registration information, it can be changed simultaneously in multiple countries through the Madrid Agreement.
In general, if there is no objection to the registration of a trade mark, or if there is no objection to the applicant’s application, the applicant will be granted a trade mark registration and a registration certificate will be sent to the right holder.

Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority of Singapore licensed corporate advisory firm.
Singapore Company Registration, Annual Return, Accounting & Tax
Trade Mark Registration, Corporate Advisory, Serviced Offices.
6 Raffles Quay,#14-02, #14-06, Singapore 048580