Singapore unveils the “Forward Singapore“ report, seven shifts for a shared future

The Singapore Enterprise Development Agency collaborates with the Polytechnic to assist small and medium-sized enterprises in developing innovative solutions
Singapore launches a “Refreshed Retail Industry Digital Plan” to help retailers deepen digital capabilities
The Singapore Enterprise Development Agency collaborates with the Polytechnic to assist small and medium-sized enterprises in developing innovative solutions
Singapore launches a “Refreshed Retail Industry Digital Plan” to help retailers deepen digital capabilities

On October 27, 2023, A road map towards a more equitable and thriving Singapore has been put forth by the fourth-generation (4G) leadership, fleshing out the moves the Republic will make in the coming years to stay cohesive amid a time of change.


These include a greater helping hand for groups such as the less well-off, mid-career workers and seniors, through means such as additional financial support and improved infrastructure.

And there will be more done to ensure that Singaporeans’ basic needs at every life stage will be met, such as in education, retirement, healthcare and housing.

These moves come as Singapore has reached a key inflection point where there will be more disruptions, workplace churn and impact on people’s lives, and the Government recognises that more must be done to provide assurance for the people, said Deputy Prime Minister Lawrence Wong at a press conference to launch the Forward Singapore report.


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