Incorporation Process
Company Folder

Choosing a company name
How to tell if a company name can be registered
Generally, if a company with the same name does not already exist, you can apply for it within a day or several hours. However, when the submitted company name contains certain professional terms, these company names will have to be referred to the relevant Singapore regulators. If this happens, it may take 14 days to 2 months for the company name to be reviewed and approved.
Which are the professional terms which, when included in company names, would require referrals to relevant authorities?
List of Referral authorities
Referral authority | Referral is required in the following cases |
Singapore Architects (BOA) | Under the Singapore Architects Act, unless the person is a Singapore registered architect, no person shall orally or otherwise use “construction division,” or any derivative architect raw materials or any other word, name. SSIC code: 71111 (Construction Services) |
Council of Real Estate Agents (CEA) | Proposed activities involving ” Real Estate Agent” or “Real Estate Agency” , and applications for rename of entities that have performed real estate agency activities. SSIC code: 68201 (Real estate agency and valuation services) 68209 (Real estate business is based on fees or contracts) |
International Enterprise Singapore (IE Singapore) | Involves the names and activities of “physical rubber”, “commodity futures” , such as “rubber trading”, “commodity brokers”, “commodity futures exchanges”, “commodity exchanges”, “futures brokers”, “commodity futures” , “Clearing Exchange / Housing / Housing Exchange.” |
Singapore Islamic Religious Committee (MUIS) | Proposed names and activities that include or involve ” Islam”, “Muslim”, “Halal” and their derivatives . |
Singapore Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) (Defense Industry and Systems Authority-DISO) | The proposed name contains “military” or “defense”. |
Ministry of Education (Private School) | As a “school” / “learning center” / “education center” / “training center”, it does not include “non-academic” instruction, such as beauty care, clothing, cooking, sports, games, driving, entertainment related Wait.The names of “academy”, “academy”, “academy”, “institution”, “university” and “country”, “singapore” are generally not allowed. SSIC code: 85211 (Secondary) 85212 (junior college and college) 85213 (Schools of International and Foreign Systems-Secondary) 85214 (Disabled and illiterate secondary schools) 85221 (Technical Vocational Education) 85223 (Professional trade school) 85301 (Institute of Technology) 85302 (University) 85303 (Teacher Training Organization) 85304 (Business school offering higher education courses) 85494 (Academic Counseling Services) |
Singapore Ministry of Foreign Affairs(ASEAN Secretariat, Singapore) | The proposed name contains “Asean” or “ASEAN”. |
Singapore Law Department (Legal Services Regulatory Authority) | Applications containing the following will be submitted to the Singapore Legal Services Regulatory Authority (“LSRA”):(A) SSIC code: 69100 (legal activities) (B) Law-related words or acronyms such as “law”, “lawyer”, “chamber of commerce”, “law firm” or “limited liability company”. If the proposed business intent is legal practice, the applicant will need to apply for a practice license through the Singapore Legal Services Regulatory Authority’s Electronic Services and obtain in-principle approval before registering with the Singapore Accounting and Enterprise Authority. |
Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) | The proposed name contains the following words:“Silver Line” and its derivatives; (example of a “bank” derivatives includes “bank”, “banking”, “banque “, “banco”, “Bancaire”, “Banca” and “Banche”) “Financial company” and “financial”; “Futures exchanges”, “clearing houses”, “stock exchanges ” or similar titles or give the impression that a stock or futures exchange or clearing house; Applications for registered entities under the Singapore Banking Act (Chapter 19), the Singapore Financial Corporations Act (Chapter 108) and the Monetary Authority of Singapore Act (Chapter 186): This includes banking operations, commercial banks Or a financial company business entity, or a credit or charge card business in Singapore. SSIC codes: 6412, 6413, 6414, 6415, 6492, 64992 The following applications do not need to refer to the Monetary Authority of Singapore. However, if the applicant intends to engage in any activity that requires the authorization, registration or approval of the Monetary Authority of Singapore, it must obtain the necessary permits, registration or approval from the Monetary Authority of Singapore. The approval of the Singapore Accounting and Enterprise Authority to register the entity shall not be construed as reflecting whether the entity is suitable for authorisation, registration or approval by the Monetary Authority of Singapore. (A) If the proposed name contains the following words: “Futures brokers”, “Futures trading consultants”, “Futures pool operators”, “Securities”, “Stock brokers”, “Fund managers”, “Fund management”, “Asset management” insurance “or names similar to these titles; “Finance”, “Financing”, “Financial Advisor”, “Insurance Broker”, “Reinsurance Broker”, “Guarantee”, “Reinsurance”, “Insurance”, “Reassurance”, “Insure”, “Insuring”, “Insuritz” . Registration implementation (Chapter 289) and (Chapter 110) entity can request “the Singapore Securities and Futures Ordinance” “Singapore Financial Advisers Act”, including those engaged in securities or futures contracts trading, fund management activities or provision of financial advisory services . Entities that apply for registration activities include remittances and remittance operations. SSIC code: 64993, 64994 The application for registration is an entity under the Singapore Insurance Act (Cap. 142). This includes entities conducting insurance / reinsurance business; insurance brokers (life) any insurance-related business, including insurance adjusters and surveyors as insurance agents. SSIC codes: 6511, 6512, 6520, 6530, 6622, 6629 |
Singapore Police Force(License Department) | Activities related to weapons, explosives, ammunition. SSIC code: 20299 (manufacturing of other chemicals) 25200 (manufacturing and repair of weapons and ammunition, such as parts and accessories) |
Singapore Tourism Board (STB) | The use of trademark symbols or names is controlled by the Singapore Tourism Board. Entities wishing to use the Merlion symbol or name can contact the Singapore Tourism Board https://www.stb.gov.sg/assistance-and-licensing/resources/Pages/STB-owned-Assets-Merlion-Symbol.aspxEntities wishing to engage in travel agency business should apply for a permit http://trust.yoursingapore.com |
List of regulators that applicants need to obtain prior approval from before registering with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA)
Referral authority | Referral is required in the following cases |
Institute of Chartered Accountants of Singapore | Contains the names and activities of ” Accounting”, “Auditing” , “Accounting”, “Audit”, or their derivatives, subject to approval by the Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants |
Singapore Ministry of Health | Names and activities that include ” hospital”, “clinic / center”, “clinic / center”, “surgery”, “medical / clinical laboratory”, “healthcare facility” or any other term or name, meaning related to these terms similar. Applicants must obtain approval from the Singapore Ministry of Health. |
Cooperative Registry | The name and activities include “cooperatives”. Applicants need to obtain approval from the Registrar of Cooperatives. |

Singapore FOZL Group Pte. Ltd.
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