Family Governance and Legacy Advisor

Singapore Family Office Setup Process


Why is there a family trust involved in an offshore family office structure?

Role of family trusts:

  1. Succession planning
  2. Waiver of the probate process
  3. Trust assets can be distributed to beneficiaries in stages, rather than all at once
  4. If the settlor becomes incapacitated, the trustee can pay for medical expenses, living expenses, etc. from the trust assets.
  5. Assets are protected against third-party claims in the event of divorce/separation. Assets can also be safeguarded.
The difference between a trust and a will
Trust Will
A trust is a confidential arrangement A will is a public document
Confidentiality of distribution plans Disclosure of distribution plans
Dispense with probate Go through probate
Protecting assets Vulnerable to challenges
Flexible asset allocation in the best interests of the trust’s beneficiaries All established and inflexible