Trade Finance Definition of Trade Finance Trade or export finance involves both domestic (Singapore) and international trade transactions – when a buyer purchases goods or services from a seller, the financial activity involved falls under the category of “trade finance”. Benefits of using trade finance: Boosts the growth of SMEs in Singapore – The increased working capital and better cash flow management allow business owners to improve their control over the day-to-day operating costs of their businesses while fulfilling larger orders that were previously not possible. Gives businesses higher profit margins – Financing tools allow Singapore SMEs to buy in […]
13R & 13X For investments in Asia and the Pacific, Singapore is an important base for family offices, private equity, real estate, and hedge fund managers. Singapore is also the preferred domicile for a growing number of investment institutions. This is due to the excellent growth of the fund management industry in Singapore, which can be attributed to several factors, including the ease of doing business in Singapore and the attractive tax incentives for funds and fund managers. Outside of traditional offshore fund jurisdictions such as the Cayman Islands, Singapore’s regulatory and tax regime for funds is considered to be […]
EPOL Account Employment Pass On Line (EPOL) is the web platform for the online services of the Singapore Ministry of Manpower. https://www.mom.gov.sg/eservices/services/ep-online When a company needs to hire foreign workers and apply for Employment Pass (EP), it needs to log on to EPOL and submit the application online. All applications, changes, and cancellations related to foreign workers must be made through this platform. Before requesting an EPOL account, the company must ensure that: The company has been registered in Singapore. The company has activated the corporate pass account Corppass and obtained the relevant permissions https://www.corppass.gov.sg/ The company has […]
International Application International Application Documents for Trademark Registration and Contracting States: The applicant submits an international application to the parties to the Madrid Protocol. Record and publish: The trade mark will be recorded in the International Register and published in the WIPO Gazette (World Intellectual Property Organization Gazette). Notification by designated Contracting States: The Ministry of International Affairs will notify each designated country. The international trade mark application will be processed in the designated country using a procedure similar to the trade mark application process in that country. To submit an international application in Singapore: Since Singapore is a party to the Madrid Protocol, applicants […]
新加坡福智霖来自新加坡福智霖投资资讯00:0001:10 2018年2月2日 新加坡经济科技协会 新加坡大华银行商业银行部 新加坡福智霖集团 联办贸易国际化知识分享活动 分享就是力量! 祝福大家生意福顺! 2018年2月8日 受邀参加 中国驻新加坡大使馆主办 新春晚宴 祝福中新友谊永存 也祝福大家新春快乐、吉祥福安! 2018年2月9日 Felinka周璠:”感谢善济医社的鼓励! 作为义务网编,维护善济微信平台,我想还可以做得更好。 用心、用心、再用心! 每天进步一点点!每天努力一点点!” 新加坡善济医社 – 新加坡百年慈善医社 2018年2月25日 福智霖行政主管Judy Lim&福智霖董事Felinka周璠 作为社区基层义工 参加新加坡总理新春园游会 Chinese New Year Garden Party 2018年3月4日 福智霖行政主管Judy Lim&福智霖董事Felinka周璠 一起参加新加坡中华总商会妇女组 三八妇女节的庆祝晚宴 2018年3月28日 新加坡福智霖集团&中国国际广播电台 国际在线环球创业平台 签署合作协议 为中资企业落户新加坡助力 **中央广播电视总台由原中央电视台(中国国际电视台)、原中央人民广播电台、原中国国际广播电台合并组建于2018年3月。 2018年5月12日 共庆母亲节活动 新加坡福智霖团队与后港区妇女执委会一起为社区年长者带来“品茶共庆母亲节活动”, 品茶、赏茶,暖心。 2018年7月24日 新加坡福智霖团队与新加坡大华银行商业银行部FDI团队 一起做知识分享内训, 从全球经济走势分析 新加坡在一带一路倡议下的机遇, 企业客户在新加坡完成落户的执行方案 干货分享,讨论热烈。 2018年10月21日 新加坡新声诗社60周年庆祝活动 圆满成功! 活动主宾为新加坡国会议员郭献川先生。 福智霖董事Felinka周璠从郭献川国会议员手中 接过新加坡新声诗社名誉社长的委任状。 2018年10月23日 新加坡福智霖董事黄泽霖 新加坡人民协会总执行理事长陈国明手中 接过奖状并其合影留念 新加坡福智霖集团是在「最佳基层领袖的雇主机构」评比中拿到 优异奖 MERIT AWARDS 2018年10月26日 新加坡AMKFSC社区服务机构40周年庆祝慈善晚宴 (AMKFSC 40th Anniversary Charity Dinner) 新加坡福智霖集团有限公司 黄泽霖董事从新加坡李显龙总理手中接过感谢奖杯 不以善小而不为,继续努力。 泽上有风,福顺常伴,普济有心。 2018年11月4日 新加坡善济医社善爱善济慈善筹款晚宴 主宾为王志豪部长 新加坡福智霖董事Felinka周璠接过感恩奖状 生命的内涵,靠心寻找,当下的付出与善念,就是光明。 2018年12月4日 中国四川省成都市人民政府在新加坡主办 以“新时代、新通道、新机遇”为主题 成都市现代服务业投资推介活动 天府国际基金小镇与新加坡福智霖集团 战略框架合作协议签约仪式。 2018年12月18日 新加坡福智霖行政办公室正式搬迁至 #14-06, 6 Raffles Quay, Singapore, 048580 工商银行新加坡分行总部楼 2019年1月 新加坡福智霖办公室里 […]
Classification of Goods and Services The International Classification of Goods and Services for Trade Mark Registration, also known as the International (Nice) Classification of Goods and Services, is provided by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and divides goods and services into 45 categories to distinguish the scope of trade mark application. This classification is updated every 5 years. The international classification of goods and services for trade mark registration was established in accordance with the Nice Agreement signed in Nice, France in 1957. Among the 45 categories, 1-34 is the classification of goods and 35-45 is the classification of […]
Financial Year The financial year is the year in which the company performs its financial closing. In some countries, the financial year is set to end on December 31st of each year. In other countries, companies are encouraged to close their financial year in either March, June, September or December each year. For companies incorporated in Singapore, the company is free to choose the end of its financial year. So, a company’s financial year can end in any month of the year. Usually, the first financial year does not exceed 18 months. The next financial year is calculated on a […]
Issued & Paid-Up Capital When incorporating a Singapore company, it is good to understand the difference between the issued share capital and the paid-up share capital.
Singapore Accounting Standards Background Business entities around the world report their financial performance through financial reporting. Historically, the format of financial reporting has varied from country to country, and the financial reporting practices of each country have followed a set of principles, rules or practices that have evolved from the political, legal, economic and cultural environment of that country. As a result, financial reports often lacked international comprehensibility and acceptance. In today’s globalized world, comparable, transparent and reliable financial information is the basis for the smooth functioning of global capital markets. Therefore, the need for comparable financial reporting standards has […]
Custom Registration Companies registered in Singapore can directly engage in international trade. If a company needs to import products into Singapore, it will need to apply for import clearance from Singapore Customs. In this case, the company needs to submit an application to Singapore Customs in advance and obtain the relevant filing permission. Only after getting the approval can the logistics company or customs clearance company use your Singapore company’s name to declare the goods to Singapore Customs and pay the GST before importing the goods into Singapore.
Internet Banking and Chequebook Introduction to Local Bank Internet Banking and Cheque Book In Singapore, 2 weeks after the opening of a bank account, corporate online banking will be available, and companies will be able to do many of their major banking tasks from their computer or mobile phone without having to visit the bank in person. All three major local banks in Singapore have their own online banking services. OCBC Bank Singapore – Velocity@ocbc Key features: Quickly view account summaries, payments, receipts and transaction activity. Quickly access more detailed reports to help customers make informed business decisions. Intuitive step-by-step […]
Account Opening Process
Update Company Info It is the responsibility of the company’s directors to ensure that the company’s information is correct and up-to-date. In the event of any updates to the company’s information, directors should notify the company’s statutory secretary to submit these changes to the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority of Singapore (ACRA). In the event of any changes to the following information of a company, the company must report the change to ACRA via Bizfile+ within 14 days. Main Business of Singapore Company Singapore Company Domicile Business hours Register of company members Appointment or removal of members and auditors of […]