XBRL Filing
Taxable and Non-Taxable Income

Annual Return Documents
Companies doing annual audits need to prepare the relevant documents in advance, which include but are not limited to:

Financial Report
- Directors’ reports and directors’ statements
- Independent auditor’s report (if applicable)
- Consolidated income statement (profit and loss account)
- Statement of financial position (balance sheet)
- Cash flow statement
- Statement of shareholders’ equity
- Corresponding notes to the financial statements
Director’s Statement.
Exempt Company Statement (if applicable).
Solvency Statement.
Adoption of financial statements resolution.
Waiver of audit resolution (if applicable).
Consent of company members.
Other relevant documents.
All of the above documents need to be signed by the relevant directors and members.

Singapore FOZL Group Pte. Ltd.
Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority of Singapore licensed corporate advisory firm.
Singapore Company Registration, Annual Return, Accounting & Tax
Trademark Registration, Corporate Advisory, Serviced Offices.
6 Raffles Quay,#14-02, #14-06, Singapore 048580
Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority of Singapore licensed corporate advisory firm.
Singapore Company Registration, Annual Return, Accounting & Tax
Trademark Registration, Corporate Advisory, Serviced Offices.
6 Raffles Quay,#14-02, #14-06, Singapore 048580